School District: New Orleans Public Schools
Charter Organization: Community Leaders Advocating Student Success, Inc. (C.L.A.S.S.)
Charter Type: Type 5 (originally a Recovery School District (RSD) school
Board of Directors: Duane Stelly, President
Members: Al Edwards, Brenda Flint-Minor,
Shannon London, Donnyette Love & Emily Roubion
Grades Served: Pre-K(4) through 8th Grade
Student Population: About 475
Staff (teaching & support): 82
Hours of Operation: Instruction begins at 8:00 am
Dismissal: 3:15 pm, Monday – Friday
Breakfast Served: 7:30 am – 8:00 am
After School Program: Kedila Learning Center @ FCWCS, 3:15 pm – 5:15 pm, Monday-Thursday (September – April). Cost: FREE, but parents must register and is limited to 250 students, Pre-K – 8 grades
(first come, first served)
Application Process to enroll @ FCWCS: OneApp enrollment process (see enrollnola.org).
Requirements: Open Enrollment for residents of Orleans Parish (no academic enrollment requirements)
School Uniforms: All students are required to be in school uniforms daily (average cost $65, excluding shoes. See school’s website, fcwcs.org for additional info regarding uniform policy)
Student Support Services: behavioral counselor, nurse, speech pathologist, reading interventionists, deans-of-students, SPED Department, Adaptive Physical Education, itinerant physical therapist, occupational therapist, gifted program (if applicable)
Special Education Model: inclusion
Transportation: private vendor yellow school bus
Breakfast/Lunch Program: FREE pupil nutrition program provided by private vendor Genuine Foods, serving breakfast, lunch, and snack (snack after school program participants only)
Enrichment Program Daily: All students enrolled in one enrichment class per quarter. They include: Visual Art, Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Physical Education, and Gifted Art (if applicable)
Extra-Curricular Activities: Marching Band, Concert Band, Majorettes, Cheerleaders, Pep Squad, Flag Twirlers, Dance Team, Flag Football (co-ed), Volleyball (girl’s), Basketball (girl’s & boy’s), Cross-Country, Student-Council, Baseball and Softball (planned for 2024-2025), Scouting (boys & girls)