Fannie C. Williams Charter School
Wednesdays are Warrior Folder Day! Parents, please check those book bags for important papers needing your attention.

The mission of Fannie C. Williams Charter School is to achieve the highest success through collaboration of staff, parents, and community.

Phone # 504-373-6228
Fax # 504-245-2796
Welcome to Fannie C. Williams Charter School
Greetings Warrior families and friends! Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. To those families returning to Fannie C, thank-you for entrusting us with your scholars. To those of you joining us for the first time, we appreciate your confidence in our staff. They work tirelessly to ensure our school is a positive place where children enjoy learning and growing.
We are in our 18th year as a community of learners. FCWCS has been around long enough to have former students enroll their children as students. Our school family has evolved over the years, we feel for the betterment of our scholars. The educators always endeavor to keep our parents and guardians aware of what’s happening on campus. The following are in place to achieve this:
- JPams, the online student portal for attendance and grades–
- This website,;
- Wednesday’s Warrior Folder, which goes home every Wednesday with important papers that may need your attention and your child’s weekly graded papers. Please return the folder on Thursday so that we will have it next week;
- Our monthly newsletter, the Warrior News. You will receive this via the Class Dojo app. Make sure you sign up for Class Dojo through your child’s teacher. All that is needed is a valid email address to receive the newsletter;
- The Class Dojo app is used to provide messages from the classroom teacher and myself. The Warrior News is sent through this app. It is also used by staff to keep tally of your child’s points awarded to earn PBIS monthly reward events (keeping parents appraised of their child’s behavior in class, on campus, field trips, and on the school bus);
- The online Fannie C. Williams Family Handbook can be found on the school’s website at;
- We also have Instagram and Facebook accounts for parents on social media. See the school’s website’s HOME page for the buttons to access them;
- All parents should visit the Parent Page on the school website’s HOME page for the Parents newsletter. The school has purchased a subscription to this publication with great information regarding scholars in grades PreK through 8 (the links for the publication’s issues dealing with older student will be uploaded shortly);
- Also, any questions you may have can be answered using Any inquires will be answered by me or a designee.
The FCWCS Family Handbook is online at Scroll down the HOME (first) page and look for the tab entitled FCWCS HANDBOOK. Everything you want and need to know about “how we do school” can be found within its pages. Please share this information with your child so that they are aware of the do’s and don’ts of our school community.
Please consider becoming one of our VIP (Very Important Parent) this year. Page 11 of our online FCWCS Family Handbook, details how you can accomplish this. Parents or guardians are encouraged to participate in as many of our school’s activities as possible. FCWCS feels that there should be a collaboration of family, school, and community–all for the betterment of your child.
Looking forward to a great year and seeing you on campus . . .
–Kelly S. Batiste
CEO/Principal, Fannie C. Williams Charter School

4Ps of FCWCS
Behavior Expectations –
ALL Warriors Are Always:
Who is Fannie C. Williams?

There were many illustrious names above the entrances of New Orleans schools before the disasters of 2005 struck. Some remain; others are now footnotes in New Orleans educational history. A. P. Tureaud, Langston Hughes, Thomy Lafon, Ernest “Dutch” Morial, John McDonogh, L. B. Landry, Israel Augustine, Valena C. Jones, Sarah T. Reed, Warren Easton, Alceé Fortier, George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, Walter L. Cohen–the list was and is endless. Our campus is graced with the name of Biloxi native and outstanding New Orleans educator Fannie C. Williams.
Fannie C. Williams was born March 23, 1882 in Biloxi, Mississippi. She moved to New Orleans to attend high school and finished both the College Preparatory and Normal Departments of Straight College (now Dillard University) in 1904. In 1920, she received two baccalaureate degrees from Michigan State Normal College at Ypsilanti (now Eastern Michigan University) in Pedagogy and a Master of Arts degree from Michigan University at Ann Arbor in 1938. Later, she pursued further study at Ohio State and Columbia Universities.
School Supplies Lists
The FCWCS Curriculum
Our students’ classroom learning centers around providing them with a well-rounded daily experience…
The science of numbers, quantity, and space is known at mathematics. It is part of the Warrior’s day at…
The study of human behavior, resources, relationships, resources, and institutions…
Our Faculty/Staff

Rolling Admissions Now Open