FCWCS 2024-2025 Fee Schedule
Community Leaders Advocating Student Success, Inc. (C.L.A.S.S) dba Fannie C. Williams Charter School Student Fees, Fines, and Charges Community Leaders Advocating Student Success may impose certain student fees or charges to help offset special costs incurred in the operation of specific classrooms or subjects. Generally, students should not be denied or delayed admission nor […]
Student Fees for 2024-2025
Student Fees for 2024-2025* Tech Fees There are no tech fees for the use of Chromebooks, etc. However, any student breaking or losing a Chromebook (or its charger) will have to pay for it. Cost for Chromebook repairs or replacement can be found on the school’s website. Payment should be by cash or money order. […]
Student Fees Fines Charges Policy
Click here for the Student Fees Fines Charges Policy