September 2011
Petit and Wright to Lead Music Program
Thaddeus Petit and Kitty Wright have been hired as music teachers at FCWCS. Their hiring marks the start of a heavy emphasis on the arts for our students.
Petit will lead the Warrior Band program. His previous experience as a band director involved a stint at neighboring Miller-McCoy Academy. He is a veteran of Bell Jr. High, St. Augustine High, Southern University at New Orleans, and the U.S. Army Bands.
Kitty Wright will lead our choir and recorder groups. The Dillard University grad has been a teacher in New Orleans for more than 25 years. Wright holds teaching credentials in vocal music and elementary education.
It has always been on the FCW “wish list” to resurrect the school band. Studies show that students who are trained in music benefit immensely in the classroom, society, and life. Music is very much a part of the culture of the world and especially of life in New Orleans.
Both music educators will be part of the Enrichment Team. The Enrichment Team provides art, computer literacy, physical education, library skills, and now music to our students.