How to Enroll Your Child @ FCWCS
Welcome to Fannie C. Williams Charter School. This page contains information on enrolling your child at FCWCS.
Fannie C. Williams Charter has open enrollment (there are no academic requirements) for all students who reside in Orleans Parish. We serve students in Pre-K (4) through 8 grades.
We follow the procedures as outlined by New Orleans Public Schools. The citywide enrollment system for NOLA-PS is designed to make the enrollment process easier for parents. Parents must follow this procedure to enroll their child. Please review the steps below before coming to the campus (or purchasing uniforms).
Families new to NOLA-PS on or after September 18 can enroll year-round by visiting a Family Resource Center. The three locations are:
• Westbank-FRC@NOLA-PS Central Office (2401 Westbend Parkway, NOLA 70114)
Monday through Thursday: Hours: 8-12; 1-4
• New Orleans East-FRC@The NET: East (12000 Haynes Blvd., NOLA 70128)
Monday through Thursday: Hours: 8-12; 1-4
• Uptown-FRC@Mahalia Jackson School (2405 Jackson Avenue, NOLA 70113)
All sites are closed on Fridays for in-person visits: Virtual appointments available (please visit enrollnolaps.com for a video on HOW TO MAKE AN ONLINE VIRTUAL APPOINTMENT).
Once you visit one of the Family Resource Centers, they will inform you of the schools with open spots. If there is an open spot in the grade level you need here, you will be directed to visit our school office. In person registration is required to complete the enrollment of your child in our school’s main office.
Fannie C. Williams Charter School is located at:
11755 Dwyer Road (at Bullard), NOLA 70128
Main Entrance (Door #1)
Monday-Thursday (9 am – 2:00 pm)
All documents are required the day of registration as listed below:
1. Child’s Birth Certificate
2. Immunization Records
3. Test Scores/Final Report Card for the previous school year
4. Parent/Guardian Personal Identification
5. Proof of Residency in Orleans Parish (2 sources needed, examples: Entergy, Sewerage & Water Board, Cox Communications, Rental Lease, Property Tax Notice)
6. IEP (Individual Education Plan or 504 Plan, if applicable).
All of the above documents must be available at the time of registration.
Visit our school’s website (fcwcs.org) for information regarding school uniforms and other pertinent info about our school. Information about New Orleans Public schools can be found at enrollnolaps.com.
–T. Batiste, Data Manager, FCWCS