It’s been a busy start of the school year. I am just getting the opportunity to pen this message to all our website users. Let me begin by saying
Welcome to fcwcs.org.
It is my hope that you always refer to this website for all information pertaining to our school. Every attempt is made to keep it current and useful to our parents and community members.
There is always so much going on at FCWCS. We are always trying to find ways to keep you inform–this website, Wednesday Warrior Folders, Class DoJo, and the Warrior News, for example. In this age of the internet, schools, businesses, etc. all use websites to communicate with their constituents. Keeping you ‘in the know’ is important to us, as it helps to build our school into a great place for our students to learn and grow.
Please refer to this website often to keep abreast of what’s happening on campus.
As always, thanks for entrusting your child(ren) to our school family.
Kelly S. Batiste, Principal/CEO