But we also so pursue other sports . . .
Basketball is the by far, our campus’s most popular sport. It is the only team sport that we have separate male and female teams. Coach Terry Green is at the helm of the boys’ team. Coach Rynika Hebért is the girls’ coach.
FCWCS also has a variety of other sports. Coach Dana Williams has a co-ed team of distant runners who take part in the fall’s cross-country season. Coach Williams also has a team of 3rd and 4th grade female students who participate each December in the Girls on the Run 5K. Fall is also the time of year you can find Coach Green and his boys’ flag football team.
Spring time brings on the end of basketball and the beginning of tennis as a co-ed team. Coach Williams also spearheads this activity.
There appears to be something for everybody as we train our athletic students to be scholars first, athletes second.