FCW Charter School
Charter schools are elementary or secondary schools that receive public money (or private donations) but are not subject to some of the rules, regulations, and statues that apply to other public schools. In exchange, they are accountable for producing certain results, which are written in the school’s charter.
Charter schools operate from three (3) basic principles: choice–parents select the school and faculty/staff choose to work there; flexibility–charter schools are free to make timely decisions regarding the running of the school and the hiring of the staff; and accountability–charter schools operate under a multi-tiered accountability system. They are accountable to parents, authorizers, the State and lenders. (see Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools at lacharterschools.org).
Fannie C. Williams Charter School is a Type 5 charter–that means the charter is with the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE). This type of charter is organized from a pre-existing public school under the jurisdiction of the Recovery School District (RSD).